Root Server – dedicated hardware

  • Maximum performance through genuine bare-metal server hardware
  • CPU and memory according to your individual ideas
  • Unlimited access through remote KVM console
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GDPR conform
GDPR conform
Server located in Germany
Server located in Germany
ISO 9001 certifiedISO 27001 certified
ISO certified
Individually configurable

Configure hardware, software and optional server features individually and precisely according to your ideas.

Full root access

You receive full access to the server hardware as well as the BIOS level via the integrated KVM console.

Guaranteed resources

Dedicated hardware components and guaranteed resources provide for maximum control, safety and performan

Intuitive administration

Administer and manage your dedicated root server via the administration interface that can be operated intuitively

Maximum performance

High-performance brand hardware and infrastructure provide for lightening fast and reliable systems.

Quick connection

A quick, redundant connection guarantees low latency periods and response times as well as a high degree of availability.
